
Friday, April 13, 2012


After successfully installing Xampp server on the computer, it's time to install Joomla.

On this tutorial I use the stable version of Joomla 1.5.2 version.

You can download / download Joomla installer package is in

Stages of the Joomla installation on the computer:

A. To place the Joomla installer package, you must create a folder, then place the folder in the location c: \ xampp \ htdocs.

2. Here I cite the folder created for hhkpi (happyholykidspondokindah). You please create a folder and name of the website that will give you up.

3. Extract the file was the Joomla package and place the results on the folder hhkpi

4. Open a browser and type in his address http://localhost/hhkpi

4.1. Time for the installation process. Choose the language you speak, you should select the language-en-GB English (United Kingdom), and then click the next button (for adding new Indonesian, but do not be afraid to use Indonesian because there is a module that converts English into Indonesian national language we.

4.2. Pre Installation Check

The window appears Pre-Installation Check. This stage is required to inform the setting by Joomla yan, then click the Next button

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4.3. Licence

Licence window appears. At this stage, was told that Joomla is an open source application under the GNU / GPL. Then click the Next button

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4.4. database

This window displays the configuration for the data base, wherein:

Database Type = mysql

Basic Settings:

- Host Name = localhost

- User Name = root (root is level / degree of the highest user in a computer system)

- Password = blank only (note: password is intentionally left blank, because it would have to be configured, namely: on localhost config.php on hosting and database storage)

- Data base name = dbhhkpi

When finished click the Next button.

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4.5. FTP Configuration

For Windows or OS's operating system Windows on the Option Enable FTP file system layer we select No, then click Next

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4.6. Configuration

On this configuration page, fill in:

Site Name = Website Name (eg = happyholykids.pondokindah)
Confirm the Admin Email and Password

- Your Emaill =

- Admin Password = happy

- Confirm Admin Password = happy

Load Sample Data, Restore or Migrate Back Up Content

Choose the option Install Default Sample Data and click the Install button below this option, then the data sample will be installed in Joomla package. Then click Next.

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5. Finish

Installation has been running a successful and complete, but unfortunately we do not have access to the Joomla page. So to access the pages in Joomla bias (Front End and Back End), asks us to remove the Joomla installation directory or Directory Installation.

The directory is located in C \ xampp \ htdocs \ hhkpi, then delete the installation directory or folder.

The question is still jammed in the hearts and minds is why it should be deleted?

The reason is to maintain the security of access that are not easily hacked by someone else.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Joomla on Xampp Server Pack Your Computer Description  :)

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